
4-8 June 2024 || Singapore, Malaysia, and ThailandDeadline: 5 April 2024
Experience World Class University Edition HALF OF CONFERENCE+EXCHANGE AND HALF OF VACATION!Join this momentous activity in which you can get several International universities and companies exposure while at the same time enjoying the culture of 3 countries in South East Asia.
Register yourself for our Conference and exchange program in 3 ASEAN countries (Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore) for 5 days.
PROGRAM PRIVILEGEStart-Up Session in NUS Singapore– Exchange Class in UPM Malaysia– Volunteering Program– International Class– Company Exposure– Culture Exchange– City Tour 3 Countries
BENEFITS– Tour Guide & Tour Leader– Accommodation in Malaysia, Singapore & Thailand.– Certificate by Universities Partners– GET 3 International Certificates per country– Hotel and Private Bus– Meals During the Program– Program Kit– Documentation– Unforgettable Experience– Meet International Friends* Not including the flight tickets
By being one of the participants, you will have meaningful International activities that can enhance your CV!This is an exclusive limited program opened for only 30 participants.Enroll through our official website; https://edutour.id/agyle24/
Tag your friend to join you!Further information:Cp: +6282246577738
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