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February Scholarships to LOVE LOVE LOVE
♥ Love is in the air, and students who are looking for college money will LOVE these February scholarships! ♥
Remember, it’s not IF students apply, but HOW they apply that truly makes a difference.
Parents who partner with their students and work together in the scholarship process using my SMART strategies will have a much higher chance of winning more money for school.
This mom says it best,
“Using tips from the ebooks, How to Win College Scholarships: Guides for Parents and Students in 10 Easy Steps, my high school senior secured scholarships to cover tuition, books, and fees her first year in college. How exciting! No extra outlay of money for either she or I…her very important freshman year in college…allows her to focus completely on her studies. Staying organized listed as step #1 in the ebooks was essential. Completing all the lines and thinking of presentation as if she were acing a job interview helped immensely.
Thank you, Monica, for putting together these thorough, inspirational, and amusing ebooks. They are masterpieces and truly work! To my fellow parents, if we can do it, so can you!!!” T.R., Kentucky
All of my winning scholarship strategies are found right here
February Scholarships for Students
Click on the title of each scholarship. That will take you to the website of each organization and you can quickly see if you or your student qualifies to apply for the award.
Use the Scholarship Toolkit Organizer to save vital information about each scholarship as you read the guidelines and requirements.
National Garden Club Scholarships
Award Amount: (Up to 45) $4500
Open to current college juniors, seniors, and grad students who are pursuing a career related to gardening, environmental issues, floral design, horticulture, or landscape design.
Deadline: February 1
Association for Women in Mathematics Essay Contest (Open to males and females)
Award Amount: Varies
Open to middle school, high school, and current college students.
Deadline: February 1
Rent-A-Center Make a Difference Scholarship
Award Amount: $2500 (50 awards total)
Open to high school seniors or graduates who plan to enroll or students already enrolled in full-time undergraduate study at an accredited two- or four-year college, university, or vocational-technical school in the United States or Puerto Rico for the entire upcoming academic year. Students must be customers of Rent-A-Center in good standing, a spouse or dependent child of a customer, dependent students of current employees, or students of franchise owners.
Deadline: February 1
Dave Dowling Scholarship
Award Amount: (2) $1000
Open to students interested in becoming cut flower growers. Students must be working toward a two- or four-year degree, or a graduate degree, in horticulture or floriculture. Applicants must have at least one full year of studies remaining before finishing the degree.
Deadline: February 1
Harriet Fitzgerald Scholarship (Sunflower Initiative Scholarship)
Important: Scroll down to the very bottom of the page for the 2024 application submission links and guidelines.
Award Amount: $10,000
Open to women who will begin attending an undergraduate women’s college in the United States or Canada in the Fall 2024 term.
Deadline: February 1
Bulkofficesupply.com Scholarship
Award Amount: $1000
Open to students who have an interest in teaching, art, or owning their own business.
Deadline: February 1
[NOTE: Find a list of teaching scholarships right HERE, art scholarships right HERE, and business-related scholarships right HERE.]
EngineerGirl Writing Contest
Award Amounts: $500, $250, $100
Open to elementary (grades 3-5), middle (grades 6-8), and high school (grades 9-12) students in the U.S. Homeschool students are also eligible to apply.
Deadline: February 1
John F. and Anna Lee Stacey Scholarship Fund
Award Amount: $500 to $5000
Open to students interested in the study of form, color, drawing, painting, design, and technique, as these are expressed in modes showing patent affinity with the classical tradition of Western culture.
Deadline: February 1
[NOTE: Find a list of Art Scholarships right HERE.]
Dr. Bart Kamen Memorial FIRST Robotics Scholarship
Award Amount: (4) $10,000 (Renewable)
Open to FIRST Robotics students pursuing degrees in biomedical engineering and pre-med.
Deadline: February 1
SME Education Foundation Scholarships
Award Amounts: $2500 to $20,000
Open to graduating high school seniors and current college students pursuing an associate or bachelor’s degree in manufacturing, engineering, or related discipline.
Deadline: February 1
[NOTE: Find a large list of engineering scholarships right HERE.]
The Balams Firm Scholarship
Award Amount: $2500
Open to graduating high school seniors who live in the Atlanta metropolitan area. (Class of 2024)
Deadline: February 5
Adamson Ahdoot LLP Scholarship
Award Amount: (10) $2500
Open to U.S. students who have applied, been admitted to, or are enrolled at an accredited law school. Students must have made significant contributions to their community.
Deadline: February 8
[NOTE: Find more scholarships for future lawyers right here.]
Cyrus Artisan Rugs Scholarship
Award Amount: $500
Open to incoming and current students of interior design or related courses.
Deadline: February 8
“With Monica’s guidance thru the ebooks, videos, etc and all other help, my daughter has won 6 local scholarships and 1 large corporation scholarship.” – Scholarship Help and College Talk for Parents group member
RMEL Foundation Scholarships
Award Amounts: $1500 to $3000 and up
Open to students in engineering, business, information systems, plant, line or distribution technology, line worker, or other curriculum related to the electric energy industry.
Deadline: February 9
Texting and Driving Prevention Scholarship
Award Amount: $1000
Open to students who have been accepted or are currently enrolled in an accredited community college, undergraduate, or graduate program in the United States.
Deadline: February 10
McDonald’s® HACER® National Scholarship Program
Award Amount: Up to $100,000
Open to high school seniors who are eligible to attend a two- or four-year college, university, or vocational/technical school. Students must have at least one parent of Hispanic/Latino heritage.
Deadline: February 13
Be sure to read: College Scholarship Tip ~ LOVE the Provider
Scholarships for Military Children Program
Award Amount: (500) $2000
Open to unmarried military dependent children under the age 23 who possess a valid Uniformed Services Identification (USID) card. In addition, a student’s parent(s)/sponsor(s) must be one of the following: active duty, reserve/guard, deceased, or retired from the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, or Space Force.
Deadline: February 14
[NOTE: Find a list of military-related scholarships right HERE.]
Be sure to bookmark this February Scholarships page, as I will be adding new awards as I find them.
Varsity Tutors College Scholarship Contest
Award Amount: $200
Open to U.S. students 16 years and older.
Deadline: February 15 (monthly)
Hispanic Scholarship Fund
Award Amounts: $500 to $5000
Open to college-bound or current college students of Hispanic heritage in the U.S.
Deadline: February 15
Parents, will your student be a first-generation college student?
Learn what this means and find a list of scholarships open to first-gen students right HERE.
Mark Mariani Scholarship for Entrepreneurs (May not be offered for 2024)
Amount: $10,000
Open to current business undergraduate students at a university in the United States or high school students that will attend university for a business degree, and plans to launch a business after graduation.
Deadline: February 15
[Find a complete list of BUSINESS scholarships here and scholarships for student ENTREPRENEURS here.]
Simon Youth Foundation Scholarship
Award Amount: $1500
Open to high school seniors living near a Simon mall or in the surrounding communities.
Deadline: February 16
The Christophers’ Poster Contest
Award Amounts: $1000, $500, $250, $100
Open to high school students (Only students living in the United States are eligible to enter) in grades 9 through 12.
Deadline: February 16
[Find more scholarships open to ARTISTIC students here.]
The Christophers Video Contest
Award Amounts: $2000, $1000, $500, $100
Open to current college students. Students must be enrolled in and attending undergraduate or graduate college classes, full or part-time, between September 2023 and May 2024.
Deadline: February 16
[NOTE: Find a list of scholarships open to college students right here.]

Open to High School Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors! APPLY NOW HERE
Lounge Lizard Web Design Scholarship
Award Amount: $1000
Open to current college students and college-bound high school seniors who will begin college within six months of when they submit their application.
Deadline: February 19 (and October 3)
Live Deliberately Essay Contest
Amount: (2) $500
Open to youth around the world. Youth must be at least 14 years old and no older than 18* years of age when the contest closes on February 19, 2024. Past winners are not eligible to participate. *19-year-olds who are seniors in high school or the equivalent through homeschool or other program at the closing date of the contest are also eligible to apply in the 16-18 age group. College students are not eligible. **19-year-olds who are seniors in high school or the equivalent through homeschool or other program at the closing date of the contest are also eligible to apply in the 16-18 age group.
Deadline: February 19
Vegetarian Resource Group Scholarship
Award Amounts: (1) $10,000, (4) $5000
Open to graduating U.S. high school students who have promoted vegetarianism in their schools and/or communities.
Deadline: February 20
“Y’all my hs freshman just won a $5k scholarship. His first!! He applied back in August and got the phone call today. We are on cloud 9! I highly recommend downloading Monica’s e-books to use. They are such a help! They told him his essay was unique and I’m sure it was because of his hook! Thank you, Monica for your passion and love to help others.” – T.D., Scholarship Help and College Talk for Parents Facebook group member
Gordon A. Rich Memorial Foundation Scholarship (GAR)
Award Amount: Up to $50,000 ($12,500 per year)
Open to dependent children of full-time employees in the financial services industry (commercial banks, investment banks, securities brokerage firms, insurance companies, fund and asset management companies, credit card and finance companies, and similar businesses as determined by the Foundation). Employees must be presently employed with five years of experience OR no longer employed in this field but had ten years of experience which ended no longer than five years prior to the GAR Scholarship application closing date. Students must be U.S. graduating high school seniors who are enrolling as full-time first-year students in pursuit of a four-year bachelor’s degree at an accredited college/university in the United States.
Deadline: February 20
Population Education Video Scholarship
Award Amounts: (5) $300, $600, $1200
Open to all students in 6th through 12th grade.
Deadline: February 22 (March 5 for 2024)
Joseph James Morelli Legacy Foundation Scholarship
Award Amount: $500 to $2500
Open to students pursuing a degree in a STEM field (science, technology, engineering, math). Students must have a demonstrated learning challenge (disability) of dyslexia or similar reading and/or language-based disability. Dyscalculia, dysgraphia, ADHD, or autism alone do not qualify.
Deadline: February 25
[Find a complete list of STEM Scholarships HERE.]

Now is the perfect time to get your Mama Bear Legal Forms. Do not wait! Use the discount code How2MamaBear for 20% off HERE.
Goya Foods Culinary Arts Scholarship
Award Amount: $5000 (Renewable)
Open to students planning to enroll as freshmen in a culinary arts or food sciences area of study.
Deadline: February 26 March 1 for 2024
Scholars Helping Collars Scholarship
Award Amounts: $1500, $300, $200
Open to graduating high school seniors (Class of 2024) in the U.S.
Deadline: February 26
Marsala Law Group Lifelong Hobby Scholarship
Award Amount: $1000
Open to U.S. undergraduate or graduate students who are enrolled in an accredited college or university for the Spring 2024 semester.
Deadline: February 26
[NOTE: Find a big list of scholarships open to current college students right here.]
Easy Money Scholarship
Award Amount: $1000
Open to U.S. high school students ages 13 and older.
Deadline: February 28
Hadden Youth Foundation Scholarship
Award Amount: Up to $5000 (Renewable)
Open to exceptionally worthy high school seniors with demonstrated financial need.
Deadline: February 28 (March 15 for 2024)
ScholarshipPoints Monthly Scholarships
NOTE: Two of my boys won $1000 awards from ScholarshipPoints! Find out how they did it here.
Award Amount: (1) $2500, (3) $1000
Open to students who are at least 13 years old and are enrolled or will enroll in a college or university in the U.S. Students must be legal residents of the U.S. or Puerto Rico.
Deadline: February 28
Achieving My Potential Scholarship
Award Amount: $2000
Open to students who are enrolled in a trade school, undergraduate, graduate program, or any other post-secondary school within the United States. High school seniors who will be enrolled in a trade school or college before the application deadline of February 28, 2024, are also encouraged to apply.
Deadline: February 28
CollegeXpress Scholarship
Award Amounts: $10,000
Open to U.S. middle and high school students.
Deadline: February 28
Tall Clubs International Foundation Scholarships
Award Amount: $1000
Open to first-year college students (entering in 2024) who meet the minimum height requirements for membership in Tall Clubs International—5′ 10″ (178 cm) for women and 6′ 2″ (188 cm) for men — in stocking feet.
Deadline: February 28 (March 1 for 2024)
SallieMae Scholarship
Award Amount: $2000
Open to U.S. high school juniors and seniors, as well as current college students. Parents are welcome to apply on behalf of their students.
Deadline: February 28
Apply for and LOVE these February Scholarships for College! Click To Tweet
Nuclear Family Scholarship
Award Amount: $1000
Open to any current high school senior, college student, or graduate student who is a legal resident of the United States and resides in one of the 50 states or the District of Columbia. The applicant must be enrolled in a two to five year post-secondary institution for the Fall 2024 semester.
Deadline: February 28
Keep looking and having your kids apply SMART even once they are in college. My rising sophomore daughter has received notification that she won 4 different scholarships in the past month! – D.S., Scholarship Help and College Talk for Parents group member
DAV Jesse Brown Youth Volunteer Scholarship
Award Amounts: $20,000, $15,000, $10,000, (2) $7,500, and (3) $5,000
Open to student volunteers age 21 or younger who have contributed a minimum of 100 hours credited through DAV or DAV Auxiliary.
Deadline: February 28
[NOTE: Find a long list of scholarships open to student leaders and volunteers right HERE.]
Semper Solaris Scholarships
Award Amounts: $3000, $1750
Open to current U.S. college freshmen, sophomores, juniors, seniors, graduate students, or those attending a military academy. (They also have scholarships open to accepted college-bound high school seniors with a deadline of May 31.)
Deadline: February 28 (Not yet accepting submissions for 2024)

Turn your student’s college dreams into reality with CollegeAdvisor HERE.
The Places You Go Scholarship
Award Amount: $1000
Open to any current high school senior, college student, or graduate student who is a legal resident of the United States residing in one of the 50 states or the District of Columbia.
Deadline: February 28
Award Amount: From $500 to $10,000 savings bonds at maturity
Open to students in grades 6-9.
Deadline: February 28
[NOTE: Find a list of college scholarships open to middle school students right here.]
Center for Cyber Safety and Education (iamcybersafe.org) Scholarships
These scholarships open for submission on January 15.
Award Amount: Up to $10,000
Open to students pursuing a degree with a focus on cybersecurity, information assurance, or a similar field.
Deadline: February 29
Did you make it this far? Great job!
Bookmark this page because I will be adding new February scholarships as I find them. ♥ Monica Matthews ♥
Find a TON of scholarships to apply SMART for in this book. It is the perfect companion to the How to Win College Scholarships ebooks:

Monica Matthews is the author of How to Win College Scholarships. She helped her own son win over $100,000 in college scholarships and now shares her expertise with other parents and their students. She truly has “been there, done that” in regard to helping parents and students navigate the scholarship process.
Her method of helping students in finding college scholarships, writing unique and compelling scholarship essays, creating amazing scholarship application packets, and more have taught desperate parents to help their own students win thousands of scholarship dollars. She teaches them how to apply S.M.A.R.T. with outstanding results.
Monica’s scholarship tips have been featured on many prominent websites, and she has been dubbed the “Go-To” expert on college scholarships.
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