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March Scholarships
Apply NOW for these scholarships with March deadlines, but be sure to apply SMART!
March scholarships come in like a lion, right? Well, do not let these awards go out like a docile lamb.
Click on the title of each scholarship. This will take you to the organization’s website, where you can quickly see if you or your student qualify to apply for the award.
Use the Scholarship Toolkit Organizer to save vital information about each scholarship as you read the guidelines and requirements.
Don’t apply for any scholarship until you have learned what it means to apply SMART. I cannot stress this enough.
What is applying SMART? Go here to learn more.
Save this page, as I will be adding new March Scholarships as I find them.
Use this list as a starting point, and make sure to apply for as many local scholarships as possible.
Find tips on how to find more local scholarships right here.
Tall Clubs International Foundation Scholarships
Amount: $1000
Open to first-year college students (entering in 2024) who meet the minimum height requirements for membership in Tall Clubs International—5′ 10″ (178 cm) for women and 6′ 2″ (188 cm) for men — in stocking feet.
Deadline: March 1
American Legion Auxiliary Scholarships
Award Amount: (15) $5000
Open to descendants of veterans who served in the United States Armed Forces during specific eligibility dates.
Deadline: March 1
Engebretson Foundation Scholarship
Award Amount: $10,000
Open to graduating seniors from high schools in the U.S. There are other very specific eligibility requirements, so read them carefully before adding this scholarship to your list.
Deadline: March 1

Turn your college dreams into reality with CollegeAdvisor HERE.
Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation
Award Amount: Varies
Open to a child or step-child of one of the following: Active duty, Reserve, or veteran U.S. Marine, a Marine killed while serving in the U.S. Marine Corps, active duty, reserve, or veteran U.S. Navy Corpsman, Navy Chaplain or Religious Program Specialist who is or was attached to a U.S. Marine Corps unit or who was killed while serving with a U.S. Marine Corps unit.
Deadline: March 1
[NOTE: Find a great list of scholarships open to U.S. VETERANS AND THEIR FAMILIES here.]

Use the special discount code only for our blog readers found HERE.
Engebretson Foundation Scholarship
Award Amount: $5000
Open to U.S. high school seniors.
Deadline: March 1
National Chess Player Awards
Award Amount: Varies
Open to high school juniors and seniors who have played in at least 25 regular-rated US Chess or FIDE events held from dates January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023.
Deadline: March 1
Health Career Scholarship
Award Amount: Varies
This scholarship is open to students in health careers, such as pharmacy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy, medical technology, medical and dental students who have completed their first professional year (pre-med students not eligible), and students studying to become registered nurses or nurse practitioners.
Deadline: April 1 (Note: Email requests for the application must be received by March 1.)
[NOTE: Find a huge list of scholarships open to future nurses and students studying health careers HERE.]
Netfloor USA Access Flooring Scholarship
Award Amount: $1000
Open to any legal U.S. resident at least seventeen (17) years old who is currently attending high school and will be attending an accredited university or college in the next academic year. Current college students are also eligible to apply. (Undergraduate and graduate students are both eligible)
Deadline: March 1 (and September 1)
Goya Foods Culinary Arts Scholarship
Award Amount: $5000 (Renewable)
Open to students planning to enroll as freshmen in a culinary arts or food sciences area of study.
Deadline: March 1
Oxbow Academic Scholarships
Award Amounts: $500 to $1000
Open to aspiring veterinarians and vet techs, as well as other future animal health professionals.
Deadline: March 1
[NOTE: Find a large list of scholarships open to future VETERINARIANS here.]
DCU for Kids Scholarship Program
Award Amounts: (80) $1500 to $2500
Open to students in their senior year of high school who plan to attend a state or nationally accredited college or university.
Deadline: March 1 (3 pm EST)
Looking for more scholarships? Get the big book!
It is the perfect companion to the How to Win College Scholarships ebooks.
Cancer Pathways Cancer Unwrapped Scholarship
Award Amount: $1000
Open to teens in the United States in grades 9-12 who have experienced a cancer diagnosis – their own or that of a loved one.
Deadline: March 1
[NOTE: Find a list of scholarships for students affected by cancer here.]
Population Education Video Scholarship
Award Amounts: (5) $300, $600, $1200
Open to all students in 6th through 12th grade.
Deadline: March 5
Quality Comix Scholarship Program
Award Amount: $1000
Open to students 18 years and older currently enrolled in or accepted to a full-time undergraduate or graduate program in any accredited U.S. university, college, or school. Students must be attending college in the spring of 2024. (Class of 2024 high school graduates are ineligible.)
Deadline: March 10

Now is the perfect time to get your Mama Bear Legal Forms. Do not wait! Use the discount code How2MamaBear for 20% off HERE.
Blacks at Microsoft Scholarship (BAM)
Award Amount: (5 renewable) $5000 per year, (45 one-time) $2500
Open to college-bound US-based high school seniors of African descent who plan to pursue a bachelor’s degree in engineering, computer science, computer information systems, or select business programs (such as finance, business administration, or marketing).
Deadline: March 13 (3 pm CST)
[NOTE: Find a list of business-related scholarships right HERE.]
Women at Microsoft Scholarship
Award Amount: $5000 (Winners can apply for renewal for up to four years)
Open to graduating high school seniors who self-identify as female or as non-binary. Students should plan to pursue a career in a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) field.
(Note: This is also included in the scholarship guidelines, “Due to the dynamic nature of a career in technology, this scholarship is not limited only to students pursuing STEAM fields of study. Instead, the selection committee is most interested in an applicant’s plan to be engaged in a STEAM industry in their career, their passion for technology, and the difference technology can make in the world.”)
Deadline: March 13 (3 pm CST)
Shell Oil Company Scholarships
Award Amount: (20) $2,500
Open to U.S. graduating high school seniors planning to enroll full-time in one of the following majors (geology, geophysics, physics, chemical, civil, electrical, geological, geophysical, mechanical or petroleum engineering) at specified institutions.
Deadline: March 15
[NOTE: Find more STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math – scholarships right here.]
ScholarshipPoints Scholarship
NOTE: Two of my boys and the daughter of one of our Scholarship Help and College Talk for Parents Facebook group members won $1000 awards from ScholarshipPoints! Find out how they did it here.
Award Amount: (1) $2,500, (3) $1000
Open to students who are at least 13 years old and are enrolled or will enroll in a college or university in the U.S. Students must be legal residents of the U.S. or Puerto Rico.
Deadline: March 15 and March 31
Frame My Future Scholarship
Award Amount: (5) $2000
Open to any legal U.S. resident who will be a full-time student at a U.S. college or university in the 2024-2025 academic year.
Deadline: March 15
Equipment Leases Inc. College Scholarships
NOTE: A previous winner of this scholarship used the applying strategies found in the How to Win College Scholarships ebooks! Learn how to download your copy right here.
Award Amount: $1000
Open to students who are currently enrolled or have been accepted to enroll in an accredited college or university in the U.S.
Deadline: March 15 (and September 15)
Beyond the Boroughs Scholarship
Award Amount: Up to $20,000 (over four years)
Open to current high school seniors entering college in the fall or students currently attending a college or university.
Deadline: March 15
Hadden Youth Foundation Scholarship
Award Amount: Up to $5000 (Renewable)
Open to exceptionally worthy high school seniors with demonstrated financial need.
Deadline: March 15

Trying to fill the gap after scholarships and grants? Let Juno negotiate the lowest rate for your family. Learn more HERE.
Pilot International Scholarship (Scroll down to the second section to find the details. There are several scholarships on this page open to many levels of students.)
Award Amounts: Up to $1500
There are many eligibility guidelines and several different scholarships. One is open to undergraduate students preparing for a career working with youth leadership and development, helping people with brain safety or fitness, or caring for families during times of need. Also available are scholarships for students based on community service, financial need and academic success. (For all of the scholarships, students must plan on a career with a focus on encouraging brain safety & health and/or supporting those who care for others.)
Deadline: March 15
Michael Vivian Scholarship for Mental Health
Award Amount: $1000
Open to students currently enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program related to mental health care or planning to pursue such studies.
Deadline: March 15
Varsity Tutors College Scholarship Contest
Award Amount: $200
Open to U.S. students 16 years and older.
Deadline: March 15 (monthly)
Richard Holland Memorial Scholarship
Award Amount: $2500 (Renewable)
Open to students who plan to enroll or be enrolled in full-time undergraduate study at an accredited four-year college or university for the entire 2024/2025 academic year. (Current high school seniors and college students.)
Deadline: March 15
Imagination Begins with You High School Writing Contest
Award Amounts: $300, $100
Open to all high school students in the United States who are currently attending a public, private, alternative, or home school.
Deadline: March 15
UCT Scholarship Program

Open to High School Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors! APPLY NOW HERE
Award Amounts: (1) $6000, (2) $3000 (All renewable for four years)
Open to college-bound high school seniors.
Deadline: March 15
GoSkills Be the Boss Scholarship
Award Amount: $2000
Open to any female high-school or college student who wants to start her own online business.
Deadline: March 15 (and September 15)
Religious Liberty Scholarship
Award Amounts: $2000, $500
Open to all high school students in the graduating classes of 2024 and 2025.
Deadline: March 15
Discover the Difference Trial Pro Scholarship
Award Amount: $5000
Open to students who are in the United States and currently enrolled full-time in high school, full-time in college, or in an accredited university.
Deadline: March 20
Mattress Advisor’s Sleep Science Scholarship
Award Amount: $1000
Open to college-bound high school seniors and current college students.
Deadline: March 20
Innovation in Education Scholarship
Award Amount: $500
Open to all high school and current college students.
Deadline: March 20
BMW/SAE Engineering Scholarship (Applications accepted for the 2024/25 academic year beginning Feb. 1, 2024)
Award Amount: $1500
Open to college-bound high school seniors who are pursuing an engineering or related science degree through an ABET accredited program with an interest in mobility and advanced or emerging technologies such as (but not limited to) Automated and Unmanned, Connectivity, Cybersecurity, Shared or Micro Mobility and/or Electrification, Quantum Computing or Blockchain.
Deadline: March 21
[NOTE: Find a big list of engineering scholarships right HERE.]
Operation Thank an Officer Scholarships
Award Amount: $500
This is open to high school seniors and current college students who have a parent serving in the law enforcement field, a parent who has retired from the law enforcement field, or a parent who passed away and served in the law enforcement field.
Deadline: March 22
Drive2Life PSA Contest
Award Amount: $2000
Open to students ages 13 to 19 who are currently enrolled in grades 6–12 in one of the 50 United States or the District of Columbia, who are residents of the United States, and who attend a public school, accredited private school, or home school in compliance with the laws of its state.
Deadline: March 25
“Hi Monica, I wanted to give you an update. My college sophomore just won another scholarship from our community foundation. It was one that is for college students only so I had to make a note for when she was eligible (your recommendation). She has been able to get by on what we had saved for her, scholarships, and govt loans. So far she has not had to tap into private loans. What you teach really works and makes things much easier. S.H., Happy Mom from Indiana
Banks Family Education Fund
Award Amount: $2000
Open to students who are at least 18 years old and enrolled in an accredited college, undergraduate or graduate degree program in the United States. The scholarship is offered to both part-time and full-time students.
Deadline: March 30 (and September 30)
Easy Money Scholarship
Award Amount: $1000
Open to U.S. high school students ages 13 and older.
Deadline: March 31
Frye Law Group Onward Scholarship
Award Amount: $1500
Open to graduating high school seniors in the state of Georgia who will become first-generation college students. (Find a list of first-generation scholarships and eligibility requirements here.)
Deadline: March 31
ESA Foundation Scholarship Program
Award Amount: $3000
Open to women or minority students pursuing a degree leading to a career in computer and video game arts and sciences. Students must be current high school seniors or college freshmen, sophomores, or juniors.
Deadline: March 31
[NOTE: Find a list of scholarships open to student gamers and video game lovers HERE.]
Side Hustlin’ Student Scholarship
Award Amounts: $2500, $1000
Open to students who are enrolled or actively applying for enrollment to an undergraduate or graduate program.
Deadline: March 31
College Raptor Scholarship
Award Amount: $2500
Open to students who are 16 and older and legal residents of the United States, District of Columbia, or a U.S. Territory. They must be enrolled (or enroll no later than the fall of 2024) in an accredited post-secondary institution of higher learning (college, university, or trade school).
Deadline: March 31
Is your student applying for these March scholarships?
Money Key Scholarship
Award Amount: $1000
Open to full-time college students and college-bound high school seniors in the U.S.
Deadline: March 31 (and September 30)
Stossel in the Classroom Essay Contest
Award Amounts: $50 to $2500
Open to students in grades 5-12, age 10-18, residing in North America, Hawaii, or at a U.S. military address.
Deadline: March 31
FSP Foundation Paul S. Mills Scholarship
Award Amount: (12) $1000
Open to U.S. college students (full or part-time) who are pursuing a course of study in a financial service field.
Deadline: March 31
[NOTE: Find a large list of scholarships open to students pursuing Business or Finance HERE.]

Still need money for school? Safely compare student loan options for college with no commitment right here.
March Madness Scholarship
Award Amounts: $2500, $10,000
Open to U.S. middle and high school students.
Deadline: March 31
Driver Education Initiative Award
Award Amount: (2) $500
Open to college-bound high school seniors and current college students. Please note this important detail in the guidelines, “Due to the use of AI, we will be favoring more personal essays written from experience.” Also, READ THIS.
Deadline: March 31
Because College is Expensive Scholarship
Award Amount: $500
Open to all college students and those planning on enrolling within 24 months.
Deadline: March 31 (and June 30, September 30, December 31)
Beauty and Wellness Scholarship
Award Amounts: (1) $1000, (2) $500
Open to female students who are enrolled (or plan to be enrolled) as undergraduate or graduate college students studying in the United States. The scholarship winner will be asked to provide proof of current/future college enrollment. Recent college graduates, high school juniors, and doctoral candidates are not eligible to apply.
Deadline: March 31 (and January 1, June 30, September 30)
LogicMonitor Women in STEM Scholarship (May not be offered for 2024)
Award Amount: (3) $6000
Open to female students who will have completed at least one year of college prior to the fall of 2024 and who are majoring in science, technology, engineering, or math.
Deadline: March 31
True Eye Experts Scholarship (Not yet open for 2024)
Award Amount: $1000
Open to U.S. residents registered at a U.S. based college or university for the Fall of 2024.
Deadline: March 31
Bookmark this page and keep checking back, as I add new March scholarships regularly!
Parents, join our FREE Scholarship Help and College Talk Facebook group for more support and guidance. Go HERE to join.
Sallie Mae Scholarship
Award Amount: $2000
Open to U.S. high school juniors and seniors, as well as current college students. Parents are welcome to apply on behalf of their students.
Deadline: March 31
You can learn more about the scholarship process in my How to Win College Scholarships ebooks for parents and their students, which also contain information on writing a strong essay, locating awards, impressing the judges, and creating a stand-out scholarship application. Learn how to download it now here and find out how to greatly increase the chances of winning scholarships for you or your student.
The Leanbean Clean Athletic Performance Scholarship (Not yet open for 2024)
Award Amount: $1500
Open to current college students who are attending school full-time.
Deadline: March 31
ATE Ballistic Helmet Scholarship
Award Amount: $1000
Open to students who plan on seeking a degree in Law Enforcement.
Deadline: March 31 (and October 1)
“You Can’t Label People, but You Can Label Products” Scholarship
Award Amount: $4000
Open to U.S. high school seniors, undergraduate, and graduate students who are aspiring designers, manufacturers, engineers, artists, architects, or any other type of innovator.
Deadline: March 31
[NOTE: Find a list of scholarships open to student entrepreneurs right HERE.]
“Unboxing Your Life” Video Scholarship
Award Amount: $4000
Open to all U.S. high school seniors, undergraduate, and graduate students.
Deadline: March 31

Monica Matthews is the author of How to Win College Scholarships. She helped her own son win over $100,000 in college scholarships and now shares her expertise with other parents and their students. She truly has “been there, done that” in regard to helping parents and students navigate the scholarship process.
Her method of helping students in finding college scholarships, writing unique and compelling scholarship essays, creating amazing scholarship application packets, and more have taught desperate parents to help their own students win thousands of scholarship dollars. She teaches them how to apply S.M.A.R.T. with outstanding results.
Monica’s scholarship tips have been featured on many prominent websites, and she has been dubbed the “Go-To” expert on college scholarships.
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