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Using Social Media to Win College Scholarships
The postings of students on social media can be used to impress judges and win college scholarships!
The other day I wrote about how important it is to keep your social media (Facebook, Twitter-X, Pinterest, etc.) pages clean and how college scholarship judges have been known to find out whatever they can about you prior to making scholarship award decisions. (Read that post here)
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Today let’s talk about how you can use your posts to IMPRESS scholarship judges and give yourself the extra edge that just might make the judges pick you over another scholarship applicant.
1. Stay positive – Every post that you make does not need to be full of sunshine and rainbows, but posting online frequently will give people a pretty good impression of your real personality.
Creating posts encouraging and praising others, talking about your accomplishments, and what you have learned from your volunteer service, however, will IMPRESS whoever is reading.
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2. Grandma Test – Make sure the photos you post are something that you would gladly show to your parents, grandparents, school principal, and 6-year-old nephew. This includes those pics that others post of you and tag you in.
If you want to make sure you are not tagged in any unsavory photos, set your privacy settings so that only your friends can tag you in them, keeping in mind that your friends should be people you REALLY are friends with. It might also be a good idea not to allow tagging at all since you have no control over what pictures your friends might decide to post online.
3. Friends – Do you have 2,326 friends on Facebook? If the answer is yes, then answer this: Do you have 2,326 friends in real life that you would call if you were stranded, needed help, and would drop what they were doing to come to help you?
Do you have the phone numbers of your 2,326 “friends”?
Think hard about that one and then decide if mere acquaintances and people you have only met once (or have actually never met in person) are people that you want to be able to post photos of you and possibly tag you in.
Using Social Media to Win College Scholarships Click To Tweet
Use social media to stay connected with your true friends and treat it as an important tool in your life.

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You can learn more about the scholarship process in my How to Win College Scholarships ebooks which also contain information on writing a strong essay, locating awards, impressing the judges, and creating a stand-out scholarship application. Learn how to download the parent and student versions now from here and find out how to greatly increase the chances of winning scholarships for you or your student.

Monica Matthews is the author of How to Win College Scholarships. She helped her own son win over $100,000 in college scholarships and now shares her expertise with other parents and their students. She truly has “been there, done that” in regard to helping parents and students navigate the scholarship process.
Her method of helping students in finding college scholarships, writing unique and compelling scholarship essays, creating amazing scholarship application packets, and more have taught desperate parents to help their own students win thousands of scholarship dollars. She teaches them how to apply S.M.A.R.T. with outstanding results.
Monica’s scholarship tips have been featured on many prominent websites, and she has been dubbed the “Go-To” expert on college scholarships.
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